Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Tragic Competitions

Many subjects in school nowdays does not preferred by the students such as physics, chemistry, additional maths and many more. Normally they dislike the subjects just because its hard. The harder the subjects, the more challenges you get. I love challenging activities. I love rugby, to deal with challenging people, to accept challenges from people. Accept all the challenge if and only if you dare.Challenges make us felt to be always in the right place and correct destination. It also build our self-insentive to do more than the others. In my school, there are many type of challenges such as in sport, favourite by teacher and the biggest challenge is to be the best student. Well, my school is one of the best school in Malaysia. Thus, the students studies here are good enough of course. Thats create the challenge and always to beat the others. 
You know, during Form 4 and Form 5, there are a few examinations. When I was in Form 4, new as F4, I really thought that the subjects are easy to learn and can be captured just a few days. Nowdays, after the Pre-Trial examinations, I knew that the SPM is not same as the PMR. SPM is the qualifications to be a person. Subjects in upper form more challenging than the lower form. Many of my marks for this Pre-Trial examination are just in range of 45<X<85 . Only just my favourite subject such as Additional Math and Modern Math I can score with flying colours. The two subjects are my core. And I had decide, one fine day I will be a person who use this Mathematics knowledge to do work. Thus, my ambition is to be an acoountant. A professional chartered in accountancy. You know, this qualifications is only mastered in Math, Bahasa, English, Pendidikan Islam, and History. Its not that I meant other subjects are not important, but at least I can focus on what I want to be with the opportunity.
In this Pre-Trial examination, I had been challenged by my friend. My best friend actually. Compete on our marks for each subject except for the language subjects. So, I dare myself to accept the challenge in Chemistry, Physics, Modern Math, Additional Math, Pendidikan Islam, History and Biology. You know, I had really enjoyed this competition because its really motivate and cheered up myself to beat him.
Firstly, we got our Physics paper last week. When I looked at my paper. I felt dissapointed with myself. I thought that I had revised all the topics and important question in each topic but still my mark was 50% . So I lost to him in Physics, And I'm the lowest in my class for Physics.
Then, we got our Biology paper returned. After check my paper and ask the teacher, finally my mark was 76%. I thought it is quite high to beat my best friend, but his mark was 89%. Not just close but apart and different grade. The condition now is 2-0
Thirdly, we got our History paper marked. My mark was 58%. I was clearly thought that I'm the lowest and beaten by him. But he got only 54% in History. He told me that he did not revised for History.
Before the end of the week, we got our Pendidikan Islam paper, I got 83% for this paper but he got 86%. The score currently 2-2.
The other week, we got two paper continuously. Modern math, we only knew it from the teacher, not from our paper. You know, we got the same mark for modern math, 95%. Same goes to the Chemistry, we got 60%. This lead to his winnings in our challenge eventhough the Additional Math did not get yet.
Now, I'm on my way to increase my effort. The more effort you put, the more marks you get :)

Thursday, 18 July 2013

17th July 2013

Yup! No one said this life is easy. Challenge come after challenges. It is not that easy to go through this life but anyway we can did our best to be just ourself through this year.
To me, today is a motivation day to me as I had been called by one of my favourite teacher and also our warden. You know, not every teacher love us. Not every teacher tell us the truth and some of the teachers just act in front of us pretending like they like us. My life, started in high school, my teachers are all does not like me. When I look back through my life, what have I do that make  my teachers hate and did not like me? Maybe I did not finished their work? Or maybe I am naughty boy? Or maybe the teachers wanted perfectionist?
My favourite teacher share some story heart by heart. Nearly cried when I heard his story last night.
Firstly, he told bout his life in highschool just like me. Hated by the teachers, the naughty boy, targetted student and bad boy. But one fine day that changed him totally when his father had been called by  his school right after he was caught fighting. He told me that, he was informed by his younger brother which their father nearly involved in an accident cause of worry bout his case in school. Then he was realized that when he did bad things, does not gave any positive affect to him but only make negative impact to him and his family.
Back to my story, he told me that if I did a survey on teachers in my school, definitely no one was backing me to stay in this school anymore. I had been in this situation when I'm Form 3 but during that time I did not felt anything wrong. But right after he told me this things, I felt like he is the only teacher which totally cared and love his student sincerely. I was shocked to hear that early but after the motivation, I went to my room and think bout what he said, it is true that I had been a distance away from my lane. My parents always care bout me, but had I even cared with what they said to me? Had I done what they told me to be done? Had I prove to them that I am not a bad son?
The first and hopely the last time I had made my parents cry bout me when I am involved in diciplinary case which fighting with my junior. I had been grounded for 8 weeks. The teachers started talk bad bout me. They started to hate ne and my favourite teacher. The teachers ask him why still want to keep me in this school? He is the one teacher which backing and support me. He accept me from my last school. My last teacher told him that I am a naughty boy, bad student and not good but he beleive that when I am in this school he can make something to me. Yeah!! His right! His style make me started to respect others eventhough they are small, soft and many more. He make me feel responsible on everything I did. He did not go with a bad style such as kick or punching the students but make us felt realized on what we did.
Seriously, I am so sad to know that every teacher did not want me stay in this school. Maybe I am not a good boy? Maybe I am not the best student? Maybe I had make them dissapointed with me?
But my favourite teacher begged me to change myself, prove to the other teacher that I am a good person, I am not a hopeless person.
Can you imagine in my situation now?
How can I prove to the teachers that I am a good person?
You know, in my school the students are nearly perfect, good in academics, skills, sport and doings.
When I enter this school, my mind said that nobody knows me in this school so that I can did anything. But finally, my name was the famous name among the teacher. You know, if my name was a good model its fine but vice versa. Now I realized, bad doings does not give me any positive effect but even more negative effect. But when be a good guy, everyone will remember and respect you. I are on my way to change my life to proud my parents. I dont know whether I still have the chance to proud my teacher. But I will try my best and all out to prove to all of you in this world, I am the best person which oter can't found.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Exam teruk!

Hari yang teruk untuk seorang pelajar di sekolah menengah elit di Malaysia. Mungkin inilah cabaran yang Tuhan nak duga kita? Atau mungkin ini hasil setelah apa yang kita usahakan? Atau mungkin ini balasan atas apa yang kita lakukan terhadap orang lain? Kita pernah fikir hubungan kita dengan Tuhan dan hubungan kita dengan manusia? Mungkin itu sebagai penghalang kita untuk berjaya?
Sedih kan bila dapat markah rendah? Rasa hina, rasa putus asa, takda semangat dan paling penting sekali rasa malu. Bila dapat markah yang rendah, kita sendiri akan rasa malu untuk tunjuk kertas kita, untuk ajar orang lain lagi-lagi dalam sekolah elit ni. Dapatnya semua yang jenis bijak pandai, kalau markah bawah 50% memang takda orang nak pandang lah kan? Walhal bawah 80% pun tak cukup lagi untuk jadi antara yang cemerlang kat sini. Mungkin itu lah satu saingan secara sihat yang kita perlu ada supaya kita lebih memajukan diri kita? Cuba bayangkan, kita berada dalam sekolah elit yang semuanya pandai, bila kita dapat markah rendah kita akan tengok sekeliling dengan markah 70% ke atas. Tepuk dada tanya selera, kita akan rasa hina atau kita rasa tecabar?
Sahabat, jangan kita rasa hina kerana di dunia semua manusia sama malahan sebenarnya kalau Tuhan nak uji maknanya Tuhan masih ingat kat kita. Jangan bersedih. Kalau dekat sekolah ni, kita akan sentiasa terasa tercabar sebab orang lain boleh senang-senang je dapat markah tinggi, tapi kita dah bersusah payah cuma dapat tak lebih separuh?
Kita gunakan rasa tercabar kita itu supaya lebih berusaha di masa akan datang.
Gagal sekali tak bermakna gagal selamanya, kan?
Kita jangan amik negatif. Bila kita gagal, kita anggap supaya sebenarnya kegagalan itu nak suruh kita belajar lebih sikit untuk lebih berjaya dan mengatasi orang lain. Cuba kita bayangkan kalau kita dapat markah 100%. Kemungkinan besar nanti kita akan rasa bangga dan riak, akhirnya kita rasa kita dah cukup pandai dan tak belajar untuk exam selanjutnya. Sebab tu kita dapat gagal untuk exam yang awal-awal ni supaya exam yang terakhir dan sebenar nanti kita dapat yang terbaik hasil kita belajar daripada kegagalan sebelumnya. Hanya orang yang tabah dapat menjalani kehidupan sebegini.
Lebih baik berada di dunia yang tersendiri daripada tidak berada di mana-mana.
Kalau kita nak berjaya, kita perlu sentiasa ada sasaran, ada usaha dan ada landasan kita sendiri. Itu sebagai panduan kita untuk menghampiri kejayaan. Dengan landasan dan sasaran, kita tidak akan keluar daripada landasan kita sendiri.
Kalau kita ada kawan yang baik, belajar dengannya, kita tengok apa lebihnya dia dengan kita. Tapi bukan untuk membanding-bandingkan cuma sebagai contoh baik yang boleh kita ikut. Di samping ini semua, jaga hubungan dengan Allah dan juga sesama manusia. Jangan kacau orang lain. Hidup kat dunia ni ada hukum karmanya. Jangan ingat kita boleh selamat kat dunia.
Jaga hubungan dengan Allah, jaga solat, jaga perkataan, jaga perbuatan dan jaga pemikiran.
Kalau kita nak orang ingat kat kita, kita ingat kat orang tu.
Samalah dengan Tuhan.
Kalau kita dah pandai tu, tolonglah orang yang lemah, jangan asyik bangga dan nak berjaya seorang diri. Tak maju bangsa kalau ada yang jenis camni. Ajar orang lain akan buat kita lagi pandai.
Just kidding :)
now try ur best n beat the rest!
You are ur parents spirit.

Sunday, 14 July 2013


Bila cakap tentang exam, mesti kita fikir satu, STRESS!!
Kita nak study, kena stay up, kena perform sebab dari exam la kita dinilai pencapaian semasa. Nanti kita kena tunjukkan kat orang lain yang kita boleh terutama mak bapak kita. Nanti kawan-kawan banding-bandingkan.

Kita mesti bersedia dengan apa jua kemungkinan yang mungkin kita hadapi. Tak kiralah berat mana yang kita perlu tanggung, tapi sebagai manusia kita perlu bersedia. Takdir? Kita tahu? Kalau dunia, KITA BELAJAR SELEPAS UJIAN tapi kalau exam KITA BELAJAR SEBELUM UJIAN. Kematian? Kita tahu bila kita nak mati?
Dalam exam, kita janganlah gelojoh nak jawab exam tu laju-laju. Ye! Memang kita nak cepat tapi kalau nak cepat sangat tulis pun ilmu boleh lari dari otak. Kalau sebelum amik exam tu, saranannya jangan baca buku dah, sejam sebelum exam, kita bincang dengan kawan-kawan apa yang kita dah belajar. Kalau belajar lagi waktu tu dikhuatiri rasa gemuruh yang berlebihan. Macam kita dah nak taubat sebelum kematian, taubat kita diterima ke?
Dalam jawab exam juga, kita perlu waspada dengan jawapan yang diberikan, kadang-kadang jawapan tu mengelirukan kita tapi kita jangan risau, sebenarnya ada keyword di soalan yang akan membantu kita. Kalau dah taktau sangat jawapan, rendah-rendahkanlah ego, ingat yang kita ada Maha Esa, mohon kat Tuhan. Tapi baru sekarang nak ingat Tuhan?
Hasilnya mungkin seperti di atas, mungkin juga sebaliknya. Tetapi janganlah bersedih sebab sebenarnya inilah ujian dunia yang sebenar. Kita dapat markah tinggi mungkin sebab kita belajar? Meniru? Betul-betul bersedia? Tapi bila kita dapat markah rendah, sebenarnya bukan sebab kita kurang pandai tapi sebenarnya untuk kita lebih berusaha supaya sampai ke garisan penamatnya nanti kita dapat buat yang terbaik. Sama dengan ujian dunia, bila kita tak dapat menyelesaikan masalh, kita akan belajar daripada kesilapan kita sendiri dan buat yang terbaik di masa akan datang. Tapi adakah ujian sama?

Sunday, 7 July 2013


Fitrah seorang lelaki menyukai atau ada perasaan terhadap perempuan, kan? Begitu juga sebaliknya. Kita saling suka sama suka, minat, couple, kahwin. Itu yang kita harapkan. Tapi kat dunia ni banyak sangat cabaran kan? Bukan kita seorang je yang duduk kat dunia ni.
Ada lelaki lain, ada perempuan lain. Hati kita ni pulak bukan mudah nak kawal. Ada masa boleh pulak nak berubah-ubah hati. Kejap suka, kejap tak. Tapi kita masih ada akal fikiran untuk fikir, kan?

Tapi bukan itu yang saya nak cerita. Mungkin ini sebenarnya benda remeh temeh je, tapi hati saya ini mungkin lembut, boleh jadi besar. Setiap lelaki pantang dicabar, sama je dengan perempuan, ada ego masing-masing. Ada yang langsung tak boleh kalah.
Tapi kita still boleh kawal ego kita, kan?
Bila kita ego, katanya, kita tak boleh nak rendahkan ego kita untuk dia.
Tapi bila kita dah rendahkan ego kita untuk dia, dia kutuk belakang kita?
Lagi lah menjadi-jadi ego tu, kan?
I hope that my relationship will last ever after. Biasalah bergaduh kan? Kalau tak gaduh camne kita nak dapat persefahaman? Camne kita nak kenal pasangan kita tu kan?
Saya rasa saya dah banyak berkorban, kalau kat twitter, gmbar header pun gambar si dia, tp dia ada letak?
Nama tweethandle pun nama gabungan kami, tapi dia ada letak?
Kadang-kadang nak cakap tak adil, tapi nak buat camne, kena lah mengalah untuk something yang kita nak, kan? 

Saturday, 6 July 2013


Kenal benda ini? Kalau kat Malaysia kalau takda benda ni tak sah bro. Duduk luar mall, keluar sebatang, bakar, hisap. Dapat awek lalu sikit, bajet cool hisap rokok.
Dalam sedap-sedap hisap asap, tiup, sedut, tiup, tak sedar ke dalam tu ada macam-macam? Sume tu racun, serupalah kalau kita makan je racun tu.
Dalam sebatang rokok?! Kita hisap 5 batang sehari bro, tegar katanya. Camne? Kita amik satu contoh yang ada dalam rokok tu la ea? Carbon monoksida, ia akan amik alih tempat oxygen dalam darah kita dan darah yang sampai ke seluruh badan kita tak cukup oksigen.
Biasany, orang sakit akan mengeluh, kalau accident, saman orang yang langgar, boleh buat gaduh. Tapi kalau camni? Kenapa taknak saman diri sendiri? Nanti sakit baru cari orang tersayang, nak dibelai, nak kasih sayang. Selama ni, buat tak pernah pikir diorang pun.
Kiralah dalam keluarga kita sendiri je, dah berapa ramai orang yang meninggal sebab rokok? Kita nak ikut jejak langkah orang sebelum kita? ORANG MELAYU MUDAH LUPA. Kejap je tindakan tu. Lama-lama dah kembali ke asal balik.
Pihak kerajaan kena buat rokok yang camni la, baru perokok sume mungkin akan terasa sikit lah kot.
Selamat merokok untuk mati awal!

Thursday, 4 July 2013


Kepada calon SPM'13 batch'96 , saya ucapkan selamat mengharungi hari-hari yang terakhir zaman persekolahan sebelum menjejakkan kaki ke alam remaja. Sedar tak sedar, kalian sudah hampir ke garisan penamat dan hanya tinggal lebih kurang 4 bulan sebelum Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia. Alahai, setakat PMR tu apalah sangat kan? Kita setakat boleh belajar sehari sebelum PMR je, kan? Kawan-kawan PMR tu lain sangat kalu nak dibandingkan dengan SPM ni. Jauh sangat bezanya.
Mungkin ada yang segelintir kita beranggapan bahawa SPM ni tak adalah penting sangat kerana ianya cuma sijil akademik yang semua orang boleh mengambilnya. Memang benar!! Pada zaman pekerjaan itu nanti bukan kecemerlangan atau kepandaian banyak diperlukan cuma kegigihan yang lebih dititikberatkan. Tetapi, perlu kita ingat bahawa SPM ini sebagai penanda aras buat kita untuk menunjukkan kita di tahap yang mana untuk memohon sesuatu pekerjaan yang baik. Konklusinya,  Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia ini sebagai syarat kelayakan untuk kita melanjutkan pelajaran di tempat yang baik dengan keadaan yang baik dalam masa yang baik. SPM ini sebenarnya sebagai ujian kecemerlangan kita untuk melanjutkan pelajaran dalam budang yang kita minati berdasarkan pencapaian kita itu. Oleh itu, calon SPM'13 perlu mengambil SPM ini.
Mungkin ada juga segelintir daripada calon yang takut dan berdebar-debar untuk menghadapi SPM itu. Bagi saya, tidak perlu takut, tidak perlu risau kerana kita tetap akan menghadapinya juga. Tak bermaksud langsung tidak risau, cukup ala kadar risaunya untuk mengingatkan diri sentiasa untuk persediaan sebelum peperiksaan. Yang menjadi masalahnya sekarang adalah calon yang begitu risau sehinggakan taku, sedih, dan kecewa dengan pencapaian semasa dan persediaan SPM. Tenang kawan-kawan. Yang lau biarkan ia berlalu pergi. Jadikan ia teladan dan pengajaran buat kita.
Tetapi bagi saya, yang merisaukan saya adalah subjek bahasa Inggeris kerana pencapaian saya dalam subjek ini tidak menentu. Kekadang rendah kekadang tinggi, dan terutamanya jika karangan keluar dalam ujian. Begitu sukar untuk menguasai bahasa asing. Kenapa kita perlu belajar BI? Pendapatku, mungkin Malaysia mensasarkan ramai daripada pelajar Malaysia melanjutkan pelajaran ke luar negara selepas sekolah menengah.
Mungkin juga negara Malaysia ke arah negara membangun untuk menjadi negara yang di kalangan yang terbaik. Tetapi kita juga tidak menafikan bahawa bahasa Melayu juga perlu diperkasakan supaya orang asing yang mengunjung ke negara kita dapat mempelajari bahasa kita juga.
Bukan sahaja kita yang menguasai bahasa mereka, malah begitulah sebaliknya. Kita ambil contoh di Jepun, mereka langsung tidak menggunakan bahasa asing kerana ingin memartabatkan bahasa mereka. Daripada majlis yang sekecil-kecil jamuan sehingga ke besar-besar program atau aktiviti antarabangsa, mereka tetap menggunakan bahasa Jepun sebagai bahasa pengantara mereka.
Saya di sini, ingin mengambil peluang untuk meminta pendapat anda semua, bagaimanakah cara untuk kita menguasai bahasa Inggeris? Mungkin kita boleh berkongsi pengalaman atau ilmu? Ramai juga bangsa Melayu yang kurang mahir dalam bahasa Inggeris kerana tidak sering berkata-kata dalam bahasa Inggeris. Menjadi kebiasaan orang Melayu yang tidak memajukan bangsa sendiri iaitu mengejek atau memerli orang Melayu sendiri yang ingin belajar Bahasa Inggeris.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013


Friends, can be describe as our finger. Support and stay close to each other. Happy and sad together. Friends can be find easily, anytime, anywhere in the world. Friends can be find in 3 seconds but true friend can be find in 3 years. Friends maybe can help us as much as they could and always beside us all the time.
Many type of friends can be find in this world. Friends just for fun, friends just in case, true friends and many more. Today, I would love to talk about friends just for in case and true friends. Maybe we did not realise that some of our friends does not need us really that much. They get close with us just to get benefit from us. Yes!! We all can say that, let them be and let make as many friends that we could. I did not say that to unfriends your fake friends but just be aware of these person. They always step on you. They always talk behind you. Do not share your secret to them because they maybe will tell your secrets away when you and them are fighting.
Just to remind all of you, sometimes they seem so nice in front of you but behind you, they are evil. They just acting in front of you because they see something beneficial on you such as rich. When you have money, they will come to you but when you did not have any money, they did not turn up and no money will lend it to you. I'm not an evil to break your friendship. Maybe not today is realising you, but one day you will realize that some of your friends is just a FAKE friends.
Lastly, is not easy to find a TRUE FRIENDS. Find it wisely!! So you will not be regret.

Sunday, 30 June 2013


I would like to share bout my favourite sports, which is rugby. As you all know that rugby is a hard game but to me, SMART PEOPLE PLAY RUGBY and RUGBY PLAYED BY GENTLEMEN. Maybe some of you are scared or phobia when talking or seeing a rugby match, but exactly is enjoy when we watch an international games played by the pro. Does you all know All Blacks? Watch their match! They are awesome because the play truly rugby. 

Rugby is not play using our strength but is our mind. Thats why I said that SMART PEOPLE PLAY RUGBY. You know, in a team they are many kind of people. Some are small, big and medium. Can you imagine a small player such as a cat can tackle a big player such an elephant? You know, its not about the strength but is our mind control when we play this game. This game is about tactical and the way we played. If u had such a great team with big sized player, but no tactical and strategies, you will go nowhere.

The other things that I love rugby because whether your body is small or big, you just can play this game. The discipline is tip top in each player. Although a player has a big body full of muscle and can hit car but still respect the referee, accepting the referee said not as soccer, can usually insult the referee if not satisfied with his decision. Teamwork, is hard to build but when this thing is build is hard to break. You see, a soccer player can simply transfered to other club in many reasons, such as money and successful club.

Lastly, eventhough rugby seen harsh and hard but its soft inside.
Thank You.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Practice Favoritism

Many of us maybe not realise which we are practice favoritism. Maybe among our friends? Maybe among our teachers? Or maybe between our father and mother? We seldomly realise which that really can hurt others.
Like today, one of the teachers in my school just ignore me eventhough she call my friend just beside me and talk for a while. I started to think by myself. I admit it I'm a naughty boy in my school but its a few months ago. Why the teachers still can't accept me as a normal students?
Well, when I think positively for a while. Its normal a people would more prefer to talk and make friends with someone who is nice and good to us, right? To me also, I always to practice favoritism among my teachers and my friends. How bout you?
Maybe a teacher would more love a student which always be at the top, always obey the rules, respect and help the teacher. Yes! Love can't opposed be by others. It is something inside someone hearts. But don't us worry bout it. Maybe somebody did not favor us more because of something but make sure we are trying all our effort to be the best among all of us.
But to me, yes! Its normal to practice favoritism but not to obvious until hurt a person's heart.
Especially to a person who always meet others like teachers.
Remember!! When we did to someone, big possibility others will make us..

Monday, 24 June 2013


Haze nowdays getting worst. Eventhough the IPU is just in unhealthy level, but my eye and nose are worst now. Who is taking the responsible for this case?
Are we going to blame the Indonesia Goverment or just ourself? Yes! Its maybe true that Indonesia burn their plantation but does it only the cause of this haze?
To me, we must find as much as possible the blame from ourself first. Then we look for others wrong doings. Malaysia also did the open burning such that in Kedah, they burn their plantation to kill the bacteria and virus from spreading. In small village around Malaysia, they also burn their trash in front of their house. That also cause to the haze. Yes, its just small burning but when every house in the village burn their trash, does it doesnt effect the air components?
Think wisely people. A small stone build a big house. Same goes to this situation. Why must us damaging our own earth? Its not only you who live on this earth but everyone does. Do you know the effect of polluted air?
Then, typically when the earth getting hot we all keep complaining why the earth is getting hotter. Before we blame others, blame ourself first. We keep trying do overcome this situation by "Earth Hour" and many more but does we all realise that prevent is better than overcome. Dont just blaming our goverment to react. But we must react first. We can start with stop the open burning. Maybe the genius people who invented many new gadget can invent a new alternative rather than open burning. We have the right to choose our own way to get the better future for us. Maybe today we all not know the future but we can build our great future. Does we all want our kids live in the bad air? Does we all want to see our kids died cause of us?
So, lastly we must react before someone else can follow us did the right things. Make something which can proud ourself. Something that can make you smile when you are sitting on the lazy chair waiting your time to go.

Masuk kandang kambing mengembik, Masuk kandang kerbau menguak

Well, we all know that everyone always travel nowadays. Even though just go for a holiday or work transfer. Maybe go for a holiday is not a problem I thought cause just for a few days. To me, the problem now is when you had been transferred to other places for work reasons. So, when you know that you had been transferred to other places, firstly you know that at the new places there will be no people know you well. To me, this is interesting because you can be a better person. You are more easier to be different people. But anyway, it depends on you also. If u want to be a good person, then you will end up with be a good person and vise verse.
Then, secondly at a new place obviously there will be a slightly change in your daily life with the surroundings. You must be able to accept the way at the new place. Maybe the way at the new place is not the way what you expect but for being a new people in a new place, clearly that you must try to adapt with it. Maybe the way is a little bit harsh and not suitable with your style but to be comfortable and make new friends, you must follow the way. You know, when you are against the way in the new place definitely you are being the most hated people at there. Even though before this you are the most popular and love by others.
Lastly, I would like to tell all of you that if u being good to others, same goes to u but if u being bad to others, bad will find u.

REMEMBER!!!  What goes around comes around..